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21st Century Hitting Training Basics
Please note
This is hitting training not swing training. The training is designed to teach players how to actually hit a moving ball.


If you are trying to execute a “perfect swing”, you will throw away at-bats. Hitting requires that you let go of the concept of perfection so that you can focus on the concept of competing.
Eight Sections & 2 Bonus Sections
You don't need to do it all to be a very dangerous hitter.
We're all built differently with different skill sets.
All downloadable doc's should be downloaded on a computer or laptop NOT on a mobile device/ mobile phone.

Introduction & Table
of Contents
Please Read First
Before Continuing

The Facts on Hitting Fly Balls vs Ground Balls, Batted Ball Spin, Launch Angles and Exit Velocity
(1 Doc & 1 Video)
The problem with going to the plate trying to alter your swing to drive the ball in the air

(Doc & Video)
Batter's need to respond to their pitch. Not react to the pitcher's pitch