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What the Pitcher is Telling You
Learning and using these three strategies in combination with each other will greatly increase your ability to hit
A batter does these three steps in order for every pitch
Step One:
Pitch Counts & Expectations 101
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Step Two:
Reading Pitchers on the Mound
Pitcher "tells"
After first analyzing the pitch count and a pitchers tendencies at different pitch counts, step two is a batter now reads the pitcher for any "tells" while in the bullpen, warming up on the mound and before delivering a live pitch.
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Step Three:
Pitch Recognition - The Basics
After doing the first two steps, the batter is now ready to increase his pitch awareness.
A batter does these three steps in order for every pitch.
Simple Example
Putting It All Together
This is a very simple example of putting Steps One, Two and Three together using actual game footage.
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Step 1 - Pitch Count & Expectations
Step 2 - Reading Pitchers on the Mound
Step 3 - Pitch Recognition
Simple Example Putting it together
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